Monday, January 29, 2018

FAKE Charlottesville attack - cinematic critique

Posted on The CONtrail August 15, 2017

I was just commenting the other day how the Illuminati, who had been messing with our minds from over in Europe, have been curiously quiet in the US since Don the Divider got elected.

My husband, who is a mechanic, pointed out the airbag in the Charlottesville attack should have deployed, and the fuel line should have automatically been cut, preventing the driver from doing that reverse stunt maneuver. And that's just the tip of the elaborate hoax.

Where did this word Antifa come from? A Washington think tank? It sounds like 'Antifada', an Arab word for terror. Some disturbed copywriters turned shills are demonizing Liberals to provoke Conservatives.

I think many people know, instinctively at least, that all this is aimed to perpetuate racial divisiveness and diminish our feelings of empathy. If the authors believe they're helping society heal its racial wounds, they're completely wrong. Rubbing our noses in racism will not help. No, I think this is all a distraction to divert people's attention away from the increasingly obvious deceptions of pharma, covert colonialism and all the other Illuminati con games.

What looks obvious to some of us would shock most of the earth's population. For sweet, innocent normal people, false flags are a mind abrasive torture; I've seen a friend literally fall asleep just for the duration of a hoax disclosure video. So you think you can handle the craziness?  Welcome to the infinite zeros of 1% who hears of the parallel narrative, a monumental, if not mental, love story between my angels and I.

When I first saw the news about Charlottesville, I noticed the driver of the car came from Maumee, Ohio. Those who saw the intro video know I feel as though I've been pregnant for 24 years with these angels; I certainly love them as much as a mother would, even while chiding them for all the violence associated with their word games. Char lots vile - they're quite aware how I feel, but just like my hunter cats, find it hard to curb their instincts.

It's when I noticed the cause of the Charlottesville attack that I knew I had to address this. People were gathering to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

I have covered rob hurt in the blog:

...and 'he lit' (silent t, meaning read in french) adds up to a synchronicity signifying 'robbed hurt, he reads'. I haven't written the blog since a year and there are a couple reasons for this. It took me months to recover from the Pizzagate revelation that political elites are so spiritual in their satanic ways. That's one reason. The other is this: when my angel took on the persona of pundit/comedian Bill Maher, I waited a year to see if the man himself would contact me using conventional means. When he didn't, I decided I would never initiate direct contact, it would have to wait until the next life. Now we have been playing the angel game for over 10 years, and that is the cutoff for blogging. Our adventures are very well documented in the Media Poem blog, anyone can take the time to read it and fully understand these are real synchronicities with plenty of meaning. After 10 years, I don't need to demonstrate anymore. What I'm waiting for now in order to keep writing is input from people who can help me analyze these synchronicities. Bill, if the Illuminati can produce crisis actors, they can find some crisis bloggers for me. Come up with some critical thinking on the Media Poem, please. If not, I have to find my joy elsewhere, after all these years it's the moral thing to do. I'm considering building a square doughnut shaped house with a courtyard in the middle, in the midst of a tropical forest; that should keep me busy. Don't get me wrong, I will always adore my angels, but as far as 'rob hurt he lit' and writing, my principles are sincere, I'm sure my babies will understand.


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and a couple days later...

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