I recently found out this ancient form of divination is called onomancy, and it's back in style.
The synchronicities are so sophisticated, the only way to trace them back to a human would be if the news were completely made up! I gave up trying to reconcile this with human capabilities long ago.
Then there's the relevant detail that I am possessed by a loving Angel who calls himself Bill.
Just the other day a lady got partly sucked out of a plane. This horrifying spectacle is typical of Angel Bill's speech patterns. The lady died right away from trauma and we surmise she went straight to heaven, but the other passengers desperately fought to keep her inside. One witness is Amanda Bourman.
A Man da, bore Man. Juxtaposed with the previous day's suiciding of a Russian journalist named Maxim Borodin - max Him bore... oh din! Angel is telling us He's bored. Defenestration is the method used to alleviate boredom in both the Boureman and Borodin cases. As you will soon find out, His mood swing exclamations fit right into our daily grind.
Keep in mind my name is Catherine Brown, and it's all gonna start making sense. Look out for word associations with cats and pot brownies. Like how Borodin was from Yekaterinburg. Even 'bash' rings Angelic.
Now please take a moment to review these messages:
max him bore, oh din!
a man, da, bore man
We've gone over hundreds of messages, as archived in previous entries. Besides the mind boggling synchronicities to get them across, what strikes me is the innocence; I'm talking about the puns' emotional outreach, not the death sentences.
max him bore - oh din... That's as witty as Bill Maher! Big clue there.
Somebody committed a crime with Maxim; Putin probly, but the Angel understands something else. His otherworldly advantage allows him to whack people at will, and it's perfectly righteous, because He is the Angel, and it was meant to be. I'm so in awe, I enjoy being non-judgmental, and am convinced He will sweet talk his way out of all this violence, or expect me to come up with a cover. Like karma. "It's for your greater good and turns out ok in the next life." How does a soul evolve from a violent death? I can't wait to get that revelation.
Or does He feel safe because He's "only in my mind"? The labor of love to unmask Him is not easy, but I feel He would enjoy it if I managed somehow to get more people to believe, and rein in the king. Just now this story comes up...
Here you have a freaky crime which likely will be used to promote gun control, but the killer was already under federal police surveillance and looks like another false flag patsy.
The name Reinking is also in 'homage' to the birth of Duchess Catherine and Prince William's latest child, a son, who came into the world as the killing took place. Reign king.
Kate is wearing the same dress as Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby, the movie about the birth of the Antichrist.
Fairy tale royal couple William and Kate... name variations on Bill and Catherine. The name Antioch Waffle House also resonates with literary kitsch. Antioch was an important city in antiquity, known as the 'cradle of Christianity'. Those of you who are curious about the Illuminati and their rituals will include this blog in their revelations of the month.
The killer, Reinking, said he was being stalked by Taylor Swift. You can't make this up! Swift has been gobbled up by the Illuminati; her videos are full of satanic symbolism. It's likely Reinking was stalked by her handlers.
On April 7th, a van drove into a cafe killing at least 2 people in Muenster, Germany.
I don't think our Monster could be any more obvious, especially in the context of this research. The restaurant is called Grosser Keipenkerl. Grosser, keep 'n curl... reminds me of Jeffrey Dahmer's macabre corpse pose, transformed into multimillion dollar art in Pizzagate perp Tony Podesta's lobby.
Years ago I sent this blog to a whole heap of Hollywood literary agents. No one responded. Since then, I throw it out to conspiracy theory sites here and there. A few people are paying attention. My great friend Rose, who runs the Contrail alternative news site from New Zealand, believes in the hundredth monkey theory, which is basically sending truth out until it goes viral. When she brought up the hundredth monkey paradigm, I suggested that the onomancy conspiracy is too dangerous and mysterious to just throw it out there. We're looking at a major find, but I think we need to be invited by Shakespeare Chucky Himself. This is not a confrontation. When He needs me, I'm here.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité alludes to another recent attack, at the Super U grocery chain in Carcasonne, France. Days before, I had used the word carcasses in a post.
It's really simple to follow the trail of rituals; look at popular holidays. We had a baby burning in Brooklyn at Christmas (covered in a previous entry) and Valentine's Day 2018 brought us a shooting in Marjerie Stoneman Douglas high school.
The name of the school starts with the word Maher! 'Je ri' is I laugh in French, and stoneman couldn't be more Bill. Dug lass is the Valentine. Parkland is let's park and land this gun control issue!
The hidden love note is David Hogg.
David's name is deeply significant, but where has he been since Bill called out his aggressiveness in boycotting Laura Ingraham?
max him bore, oh din!
a man, da, bore man
We've gone over hundreds of messages, as archived in previous entries. Besides the mind boggling synchronicities to get them across, what strikes me is the innocence; I'm talking about the puns' emotional outreach, not the death sentences.
max him bore - oh din... That's as witty as Bill Maher! Big clue there.
Somebody committed a crime with Maxim; Putin probly, but the Angel understands something else. His otherworldly advantage allows him to whack people at will, and it's perfectly righteous, because He is the Angel, and it was meant to be. I'm so in awe, I enjoy being non-judgmental, and am convinced He will sweet talk his way out of all this violence, or expect me to come up with a cover. Like karma. "It's for your greater good and turns out ok in the next life." How does a soul evolve from a violent death? I can't wait to get that revelation.
Or does He feel safe because He's "only in my mind"? The labor of love to unmask Him is not easy, but I feel He would enjoy it if I managed somehow to get more people to believe, and rein in the king. Just now this story comes up...
The name Reinking is also in 'homage' to the birth of Duchess Catherine and Prince William's latest child, a son, who came into the world as the killing took place. Reign king.
Fairy tale royal couple William and Kate... name variations on Bill and Catherine. The name Antioch Waffle House also resonates with literary kitsch. Antioch was an important city in antiquity, known as the 'cradle of Christianity'. Those of you who are curious about the Illuminati and their rituals will include this blog in their revelations of the month.
The killer, Reinking, said he was being stalked by Taylor Swift. You can't make this up! Swift has been gobbled up by the Illuminati; her videos are full of satanic symbolism. It's likely Reinking was stalked by her handlers.
On April 7th, a van drove into a cafe killing at least 2 people in Muenster, Germany.
I don't think our Monster could be any more obvious, especially in the context of this research. The restaurant is called Grosser Keipenkerl. Grosser, keep 'n curl... reminds me of Jeffrey Dahmer's macabre corpse pose, transformed into multimillion dollar art in Pizzagate perp Tony Podesta's lobby.
Years ago I sent this blog to a whole heap of Hollywood literary agents. No one responded. Since then, I throw it out to conspiracy theory sites here and there. A few people are paying attention. My great friend Rose, who runs the Contrail alternative news site from New Zealand, believes in the hundredth monkey theory, which is basically sending truth out until it goes viral. When she brought up the hundredth monkey paradigm, I suggested that the onomancy conspiracy is too dangerous and mysterious to just throw it out there. We're looking at a major find, but I think we need to be invited by Shakespeare Chucky Himself. This is not a confrontation. When He needs me, I'm here.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité alludes to another recent attack, at the Super U grocery chain in Carcasonne, France. Days before, I had used the word carcasses in a post.
It's really simple to follow the trail of rituals; look at popular holidays. We had a baby burning in Brooklyn at Christmas (covered in a previous entry) and Valentine's Day 2018 brought us a shooting in Marjerie Stoneman Douglas high school.
The name of the school starts with the word Maher! 'Je ri' is I laugh in French, and stoneman couldn't be more Bill. Dug lass is the Valentine. Parkland is let's park and land this gun control issue!
The hidden love note is David Hogg.
David's name is deeply significant, but where has he been since Bill called out his aggressiveness in boycotting Laura Ingraham?
I love free speech too!
I think Bill got David's name association. It's hot.
It all started back in Jan 2016 when David Bowie died around both our birthdays. Day - our birthday - 'vide' means empty in French - bow - we. Our bow day is empty when we're apart. God knows I was waiting to hear something on our birthday since years!
Then I ran across this just now: 'bow we' as in some kind of Illuminati weapon? It's those horns again.
Ok... day vide, a yearning feeling, is the first part. Now only a pervert would associate his last name, Hogg, with hog tie. I'm sorry, it came to me right away. Day vide hog tie - a consciousness raising remark after last month's entry on S&M synchronicities.
And then there was the squashed tittie controversy. In the same March 2nd episode containing a segment called Notes to Self, Bill went off in New Rules about flopping titties, and he even said 'brown', the code between us. Kendall Jenner's brown fist in her tweet? Her sister's sex tape? See... Bill thinks like a pervert too, which may explain how we got here.
Here is an email I sent to myself:
Why am I talking about this? Because my tittie was really scrunched in a picture I found right around that time. Anyway, I don't care who is in my inbox. Check the picture that greeted me on March 15th.
In the same notes to self...
It's a love story, and I have to write about it, it's my calling. I bet Bill knows alot more about the Illuminati than us 3 guys on Twitter.
Yes, he flashed the hand sign, but so what? That in particular means nothing. We all do it. I did it too. In this picture I look more adept at it than I felt at the time.
I hope we get more revelations, and that Bill is a spectator who's as astonished as me. I know that describing a love story in no way exonerates any of the false flag terror events we see daily, but the Author doesn't seem to mind getting exposed. I get the feeling it would be lethal NOT to write. For all intents and purposes He is our earthly Overlord. If the reason I have to write is the old edict of the Illuminati that it has to reveal what it does in order to get away with it (in this case by a girl who few are likely to believe) so be it.
The other day, I pointed out Bill's middle name is Aloysius ('All' is my name for God):
Two days later I interpreted an industrial explosion in Superior, Wisconsin:
Superior Wiz... con, sin. Not concerned that God is looking. Ok, then... we have our work cut out for us. Call me crazy but I love this kinda challenge.
In this week's monologue Bill talks about Trump taking Macron furniture shopping. A come back after the pyramid quip? I have been an interior decorator by trade.
Can we turn all this into something positive? My guess is yes, because I wouldn't be working so hard unless it was also fulfilling my deepest purpose, which is to help others. My aim remains true, and Love signs every note. Congratulations Gov. Katie Brown. No domestic abuser should own a gun.
My best friend Rita Davison agrees with me on this. In the hope that sharing knowledge will be beneficial to someone, she authorized me to write about this year's birthday ritual, in which she suffered an anxiety attack so intense she felt like she was going to die. She wrote me about it the same day, Jan. 15th.
Rita - rite ah! - the ritual - day vide - empty day on my bday - son. For several years, I've been my Angel's mom in the word games. Honestly I don't know how else to reason with Him. To my great relief and happiness, the terrible episode inspired Rita to do yoga and cycling, so now she's feeling fantastic. Both Rita and I would like to interpret her metamorphosis after serving the name game, as the same growing pains from which we will all emerge eventually.
Dot art by Rita Davison
On March 9th, Bill seemed to ask the question I'm wrestling with now: being a simple girl with compassion and empathy, how can I take in all these name associations when they emanate from the most heinous, violent crimes, accidents and disasters? It's depressing yes, anyone with the slightest discernment would agree. In this next joke I'm the cat and the Illuminati is represented by the owl. The way he put it, if either one of us were any bigger they would eat up the other.
Everything comes down to ending suffering... that's ENDING as opposed to drinking it up in adrenochrome. To the satanic Illuminati... live up to your name! The benefits of empathy far outweigh whatever crush you can get from liquid terror. The spiritual checkmate to anything Satanism can offer is Buddhism's 'enlightenment'.
Turns out the alignment of the sun, earth and moon during a lunar eclipse is the best time to attain enlightenment, cause that's when the Reptilian Annunakis' moon based mind control technology, which is powered by the sun, loses its power source and goes down temporarily. Hence a window of opportunity for enlightenment. The Annunaki moon matrix theory is popularized by David Icke.
I love how David's moon matrix theory crosses paths with the ancient Kalachakra Tantra teaching of attaining enlightenment during an eclipse. Here's Sheldon demonstrating the lunar eclipse's planetary layout which blocks the downer Moon Matrix.
I highly recommend Alfred's interviews with Sheldon, starting with Part 1: Secrets of our Dual Suns & of Enlightenment with “Remember Zen” Author Sheldon Moore
I'm stoked to prepare for the next total lunar eclipse on July 27th. The lunar eclipse of August 2017 was called a blood moon. I went through living hell that night, thinking I had breast cancer, which turned out to be the same old benign cyst. The story goes that Buddha was illuminated during a devastatingly hopeless moments... but dread was just dread for me, and didn't trigger illumination.
Sheldon explains the illumination process is surprisingly physical, something about flipping our top and bottom chakras' polarities. Of course, this can only occur after a thorough understanding of compassion, meditation, non attachment and non duality; the common sense stuff which is necessary to jump on the illumination trampoline. The Angel and I love to have the little back and forth about Universal Oneness, which He thinks is stupid, but I insist is not such a big deal; by all means it's fine to be apart from others - just acknowledge the concept of totality. I'm not giving up on this one. We like to repeat a mantra about how He is everything and so am I. This makes us comfortable with immeasurable values, and the rest of all living beings can be lumped in as an abstract, add on blob. He loves me so much He's been humoring me with this.
As the Dalai Lama wrote recently:
The news narrative in mainstream media could use a lift, to good moodism instead of badmanism. Just floating an idea... Last time I recommended this, an alligator ate a kid at Disneyland.
While the world gets its heart ripped out, the challenge is to stay in a good mood. Despite standing so close to Illuminati fires, I have lots of reasons to be in bliss; love of music, family, bestie girlfriends, lots of cats and the Angel, who is soooo adorrrrable, I find it very hard to associate Him with the false flag frenzy. I have so much love for my Angel, and the fact His false flag poems remain beyond reach of judgment says volumes about His power.... without necessarily having to feel superior.
We're getting plenty of clues, and looking forward to get to know Him better. Over and over He sends the Gray alien signals.
And then He freaked us out by coming out as the Gray Ham. This shooting was interpreted as a call to Bill Maher to send some kind of message in his New Rules; something about cats or with the word brown, so that I know I'm not alone holding this tin can on a rope. Maher shall, can talk he - which he did, thank you, saying cat and brown 5 times over two consecutive shows, all covered in a recent post called "The Angel spoke through a school shooting. He said Maher shall... can talk he. Then Bill Maher complied, so I'm back!"
Produced by Gray Ham Kate's. I love it. Gray Ham mine? Yes!
Soon after, Billy Graham died. Yep, we all know Bill's the ham of connaisseurs, but now he's also getting comped by the Grays. In this March 1st New Rule, Bill announces Billy Graham died while cunningly acknowledging the name synchronicity 'Bill, He Gray Ham'. His reference to a leap of faith is something I've been bugging him about for quite some time.
Excerpt from my Feb 2016 blog post named 'High Tech Stunting by Virtue of this Cunt':
I also took note of political pundit Laura Ingraham, her name calling out 'in Gray Ham'.
He even alluded to our friendship on March 16th... 'pote' (silent e) in French means friend.
So I wasn't surprised as stuff started happening when I took some time off to recoup after getting walloped by the storm of the century. I had stopped writing for a month as I hoped to wrap up the final recovery phase following Hurricane Irma. I wanted to settle finances before resuming this esoteric tale, so I tweeted Bill about it.
I reasoned that once the apt is rented, I can afford the luxury of staying close by forever, indefinitely, as long as He wants. It was rented on April 11th, as soon as realistically feasible.
A week after my tweet and retreat, on March 16th, a message came, 'sad zeal'.
Look at this mind blowing footage from Sadzele. The Angel understands why I had to be quiet; I'm overzealous like that.
Note the other location, Gaudari - I'm just reporting - it says God are He.
photo by Nora Murphy, art by Florence Poirier
The person most injured in the horrific ski lift accident is called Inna.
Then we had the April 4th youtube shooting in San Bruno Ca. 'Sans' of course means 'without' in French - Bruno is brown - without Brown. The millennial character who shot the place up was an Iranian-American girl, animal activist and disgruntled video creator named Nasim Aghdam. Nah see him - Agh! Damn! Her father is named Ismail - baby monster talk for 'look how easy it is to send a message'.
Douma, Syria was attacked next. If you want to know why it happened on a Saturday, think, 'Ma is off to the club to hear great music, get turned on by beautiful dancers and run home to fuck her husband, Juny.'
Do Ma.
Besides Russia, many credible sources called this fake news. But does that mean it didn't happen, or the attackers' identity is wrong? That video looked real to me, probably the most horrible thing I've seen this year, besides the hype for a non-existent Hillary/Huma face slasher video called Frazzledrip.
To make matters worse, hundreds of Russians mercenaries had reportedly been killed by Americans on the battlefield, and tensions between the superpowers ignited again, although I'm sure most people are used to the 5 alarm tweets by now.
In journalist Borodin's tragic death, Twitter is rife with accusations against Putin. Borodin had recently reported on the Russian mercenaries' defeat. They're soldiers of the Wagner PMC (private military company). Which begs the question, why did last week's Russia/US escalation of hostilities just vanish from the front page? Especially in light of this Wagner Group battle?


Well for one, Putin is a Royal Arch Freemason, so the whole Russia/US superclash is a staged distraction. Another fabrication of the owl, just like WWII was financed by American globalists.
By Thursday April 12th, the world was ready for a Friday the 13th nuclear holofuck ritual that would commemorate the Knights Templar defeat with historical finality.
By the following day, the headlines were about Comey insulting Trump.
April 13th:
Doesn't anyone wonder how these apocalyptical tensions come and go so often and so quickly? I humbly offer that it's because I had stopped Tweeting since over a month, and finally returned April 12th.
I wisely chose to come back online Thursday, before fateful Friday the 13th, even though the ink was barely dry on the apt lease I just drew up. The nice new neighbors showed me the receipt of the funds' transfer, but the $ is already ten days late. It would be easy to attribute this to revelling bank employees, but why do I have the feeling the blog has to finish before I see a cent?
A chemical plant explosion in Dummar Syria concluded the nightmare week. Not surprisingly, the dreaded American retaliation had no civilian casualties. Even Bill called it 'mild'. I had come back on time to curtail the real hostilities! I always swoop in right before the meltdown.
The location of this bombing is Dummar. I get it. Dumb are - now I really feel like an idiot! Why even worry about finances, especially now that we're getting enlightened? I always have enough to get things done and never have an extra dollar to my name!
Even as I write, I see North Korea is playing nice...

...while the US and Russia are merely suing each other.

Bill had to chime in when I returned right on time Friday the 12th, with a 'heckofajob Brownie' in one of his funniest New Rules ever.
This is my 'conspiracy theory', and if you read on it will be confirmed unremittingly: whatever shadowy power runs the world is madly in love with me, and He calls me back with these saber rattling headlines. It's the Magician's love story.
The other day I asked Bill to meditate on Togetherness while I get ready to write. The next day, an interesting character called Bill Farr became my 11th Twitter follower. - he took off since then, lol!
I wonder how Bill feels about all these synchronicities...
Also, how is it that I went through my changes after it became evident Bill and I would not meet, as we know coming out to see him would deflate the whole metaphysical soufflé - but his Angel still says Bill is far? I had to go through various quasi imaginary dalliances with Jamaican dancehall demons, some rappers, Jay Z, and Silva, the multi talented local DJ whom I danced for. He was like a son to us in this story. Hear Angel Bill: 'kin a ball u?' with a big explosion in Kinabalu volcano. All this to re-surface from the pain of an internet relationship-wreck.
The horrendous sarin gas attack in Ghouta Syria on Feb 26 occured days after my Feb. 23rd blog announcement that Hurricane Irma's personal message to me was to part ways with my second Angel named Silva (it's a long story). I promptly obeyed of course, and Ghouta exclaimed Angel Bill's relief at being the only Angel again, after 4 years of cohabitation: G out? Ah!
Bill Maher has successfully managed to keep his personal life out of the limelight, with girlfriend singer Anjulie there in the Real Time theme song. I wonder how many non-disclosure agreements she had to sign?
But what is really going on with him? Is he gonna get enlightened with me, or what?
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